Arielle Giordano
Do you exercise every week? If you answered "Yes", how often?
Here are some reasons to help motivate you to get moving!!
Exercise has been shown to have a buffering effect that protect your telomeres from the damaging impact of chronic psychological stress and promote longevity. Guess where the majority of mitochondria are held in your body? Yes you are right your muscles. Muscles contain over 90% of mitochondria in the body and inside the mitochondria are the telomeres.
The telomeres are tiny units of DSN at the end of each chromosome that shorten with time because they cannot replicate completely each time the cell divides. As you get older your telomeres get shorter and shorter until DNA and cell division cease completely and you die. Telomere shortening is considered to be a major factor that explains the process of aging itself and keeps the promise of slowing aging and potentially reversing it. Your lifestyle can wither speed up or slow down telomere shortening and research supports this fact. Obesity, lack of exercise, psychological stress and smoking all cause production of free radical that can impact telomeres and speed up telomere shortening process.
The body is meant to move. The average American sits at work for 7.5 hours a day and spends 2 hours on social media. We now have a sitting disease considered to be worse than smoking. We live in a sedentary culture. Sitting all day and going to the gym after work does not reverse a day of sitting. It is important to move every hour or half hour or fifteen minutes what ever your schedule allows.
Another suggestion is to get a standing desk and stand more that sit throughout the day! Exercise has been proven to decrease telomere shortening and promoting longevity. If you want to stay young- Get moving!!
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